Panels at NDK!


In addition to our MainStage events, we have a large number of panels that cover a wide variety of topics related to anime fandom. 

Join your favorite guests as they discuss their craft, learn how to improve your costumes, discuss some of the deeper aspects of anime, hear about how the internet and piracy affect the anime industry, appreciate Japanese culture, and much more.

Some of our panels are run by our guests, some by our staff and volunteers. But the majority of panels are run by our attendees. If you have an idea for a panel you’d like to run at NDK, please submit your application!






NDK Art Academy

NDK has a special department of programming dedicated to interactive art panels and live demos that teach and showcase the fine arts.

In past years, panels in the Art Academy have included:
Live drawing, cel painting, craft panels for jewelry, Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock painting, and Art therapy sessions hosted by Maria Droste.

The Art Academy has expanded greatly over the years, but space inside is limited. Popular panels fill up quickly, so make sure to get there early to ensure a space.

Panel Submission Guidelines


It is each panelist’s responsibility to purchase their own badges for NDK
General Guidelines
  • All panels must be relevant to NDK and RMAA’s mission statement. This means panels need to be related to topics such as: Japanese music and culture, anime/animation, manga/comics, video games, AMVs, cosplay, art, or crafts. 
  • Panels at NDK may not promote illegal topics such as drug use, underage drinking and smoking. The discussion of these topics is limited to education about the dangers and damage these actions can cause to the community, the fandom, the culture and business.
  • Topics such as politics or religion may not be discussed, with the exception of analyzing their impact on the community, the fandom, the culture and business. Nan Desu Kan’s non-profit charter prohibits both us and our panelists from promoting any political agendas, ideals, or opinions, or taking any stances on religion. 
  • Slander is not permitted during a panel under any circumstances. Panelists may express their personal opinions during their events, but they may not attack the character of either individuals or groups of people at any time. While we do recognize that some cultural and historical topics may be sensitive in nature, NDK values and strives to protect the diversity of it’s attendees and staff, and does not tolerate hate-speech or defamation of any kind.
  • Before 9:00 PM, all panels must be family-friendly. This means that language, topic, imagery and all other materials must be suitable for an audience of all ages.
18+ Panels
  • Panels discussing adult topics such as hentai, are strictly scheduled after 9:00 PM. If you’d like to run an 18+ panel, please mark as such when submitting your panel so we can properly schedule you.
  • The display of hentai and other sexually explicit material is not permitted at any time. NDK’s Nonprofit charter guidelines allow only the discussion of adult content, and not the graphical depiction of it. 
  • NDK has a strict no-bootleg policy. We do not permit the use or display of such items during our events except when using them to educate attendees about bootlegs (Eg: how to identify and avoid them). Discussion of how to obtain bootlegs or illegal copies is not permitted. This restriction includes fansubs, scanlations and the improper use of emulators and ROMs. 
  • If a panelist violates any of the above content guidelines, NDK staff may provide a warning, and/or end the panel immediately. Panelists whose panel is ended early will not receive compensation for any completed panel time. Additionally, NDK retains the right to revoke a panelists’ badge if a panelist violates any of NDK’s convention rules.
  • Time slots are for 60, 90, or 120 minutes. Due to the need to clear, reset and load rooms, the actual time available to present is 10 minutes less. (50, 80, or 110 minutes).
  • Panelists are expected to show up 5 minutes prior to the start of their panel, and end their panel 5 minutes before the end of their panel time. This allows for a smooth transition between each panel and allows staff to clear the room between panels, giving all attendees an equal chance of seeing each panel
  • We understand that unexpected things happen, and that you may find yourself unable to make it to NDK.  If that happens, please inform NDK programming staff at as soon as possible.  With enough notice, we can make schedule adjustments to maximize our offerings for attendees and try to fill that space. 
  • If you do not inform us that you will not be able to run your panel 15 days before con, or fail to show for your panel during the convention, we may ban you from running panels at NDK in the future.
  • Panels are scheduled according to several different criteria, and we do our best to honor any special requests. If there is a specific time you’ll be unavailable, or if there is an event that you’d like to attend (Eg: You’re also in the cosplay competition), let us know. We’ll do our best to work with you, but sadly we’re unable to honor every request.
Panelist Check In

Once you’ve picked up your badge, please check in with us at the Panel check-in desk, so we know you’re onsite. If something happens at con and you’re unable to run your panel, please let us know as soon as possible by visiting the panelist check-in desk. 

Technology Available
  • Every panel room at NDK comes with a standard AV setup. One projector, one screen, a minimum of four (4) microphones, and a PA system will be present in each room for panelist use. 
  • ONLY HDMI connections will be provided to the projector. Only 3.5mm stereo jacks (the standard headphone plug) will be provided to connect to the sound system in each room.
  • Panelists are expected to provide their own laptops and HDMI and audio adapters. While NDK may have some adapters on site, we are unable to guarantee that we’ll have the exact one you need.

To thank you for providing a panel, each panelist  and 1 (one) co-host will receive compensation for their time. For every 30 minutes of panel time, NDK will provide a voucher worth $5.00 towards next year’s admission or NDK merch.  These vouchers can be collected after all panels have been run at the panel table. Vouchers for next year’s admission will be issued in the form of a discount code that can be applied when registering on the website.


Nan Desu Kan accepts no responsibility for the content of panels hosted by its attendees. NDK does not extend any form of legal protection to panelists. Panelists are wholly responsible for the content presented in their panels.